Equipping Educators: Building Professional Learning for Generative AI
Date & Time
Thursday, October 17, 2024, 11:30 AM - 12:25 PM
Kirsten Soroko
Success Criteria ⚫ I can define generative AI. ⚫ I can identify educator professional learning needs from my educational environment regarding AI. ⚫ I can list several ideas for providing professional learning opportunities for educators, specifically in my own environment, with a focus on being AI-aware. ⚫ 5 min - Introduction, & Expectations ⚫ 35 min - Presentation - Dependent upon current state of AI in Educ, topics will probably include: 🟢 What is it? 🟢 What’s happening with AI in Edu right now? 🟢 How can we be AI-aware in our learning environments? 🟢 What is important for educators to know about AI right now and how might we teach them? ⚫ 10 min - Compass activity - identify, for your environment, the positives, negatives, what you need to know, and suggestions for moving forward ⚫ 5 min - Wrap-up / Close
Location Name
Red Level, Suite 21
Full Address
Gillette Stadium
1 Patriot Place
Foxborough, MA 02035
United States
Session Type
Ed Talk